My Mission Final Thoughts
Closing Evidence for Proof of God and a Spiritual Existence
None of them have even seen or read this work..yet. I could be seen as mentally deranged to them for all I know. All alone for 6 weeks at a time (8) (12) so far. No support at all. I feel Like Richard Dreyfuss in Close Encounters where everyone thinks he’s loony Tunes with visions of Devils Rock in his head...making mashed potato sculptures, building a huge pile.
“Something Wonderful Is Going To Happen” The line from Space odyssey will happen but I don’t think Jupiter is going to turn into a second sun. But if I do see a monolith pop up somewhere I’m going to freak out. HAL 9 0 0 0 ?
Insert edit 9/17/23 Timeline Of Mysterious Monoliths Appearing Around The World
The Something Wonderful is. I Your Lord Will Be Coming Soon !!
At my com now and it’s 9:27. Tomorrow is day 3. Did search, Christs time on the cross + lds. Got this, The Atonement is the sacrifice Jesus Christ made to help us overcome sin, adversity, and death. Jesus atoning sacrifice took place in the Garden of Gethsemane and on the cross at Calvary. Wow, I have to remember I’m still in similitude mode here. Work not complete YET.
He will loose the bands of death and bear the sins of His people—Those who repent, are baptized, and keep the commandments will have eternal life—Filthiness cannot in-herit the kingdom of God—Humility, faith, hope, and charity are required. ALMA 7 Written about 83 B.C. Before Christ !! Proves Jesus and Plan was taught to the prophets throughout the ages. Including the first word in Genesis 1.
My place is a mess. I called Diane, she did not want to help me.
She says NO to me. Although I had thoughtfully asked for just an hour here and there to assist me. I was not happy about it and was angry, disappointed. I Started getting queasy and disoriented, tired, dizzy and felt bad. Went outside to get some air and asked why and to ease my burden. No reply. “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” (Mark 15:34). In Gethsemane, an angel appeared to strengthen the Savior ( Luke 22:43).
So I’m alone, tired and weak. 18 hour days of writing now for 9 weeks and documenting this entire experience plus researching and organizing all the supporting science, producing videos and everything else for weeks. Unifying all things together in one book has been challenging to say the least. Almost passed out.
Insert Edit: Last Night 11/12/18 at 3:00 am. Go Sleep !!!
Couldn’t make it to my bedroom. Forced to lie down on the floor. After a bit of rest got up and made my way to get to bed. Employ your time in improving yourself by other men’s writings so that you shall come easily by what others have labored hard for. – Socrates
BUT Spunky is still by my side. She follows me around everywhere like Mary stayed by his side at the cross. Sassy sleeps a lot with the breast cancer.
Who stood by Jesus at the cross I thought?
Summary of the last words of Jesus. The Savior’s mother, Mary, stood here by the cross. “Woman, behold thy son!” John 19:26
Luke 23 And all his acquaintance, and the women that followed him from Galilee, stood afar off, beholding these things.
“I thirst” John 19:28.”These words confirm in part the awfulness of Jesus’ physical agony on the cross. His bodily needs cried out for relief. His tongue struggled to artic-ulate as it clung to His parched lips. In terms of physical suffering, we have a God who has “descended below them all” D&C 122:8. A sponge soaked in vinegar was raised to His mouth. Jesus gave His final statements in mortality.”
“It is finished” John 19:30.
The perfect Atonement had been wrought! His suffering for the sins of the world was completed. Could there be a more glorious moment in all eternity?”
“Father into thy hands I commend my spirit” Luke 23:46.
“The Son of the Almighty gave His life voluntarily. He had inherited mortality from His mother, Mary, and He had inherited the ability to live forever in a mortal state from God, the Father of His mortal body. He gave His life to bring to pass the Resurrection of all humankind. The righteous spirits in prison “were filled with joy and gladness” D&C 138:15 at the news of His death, for His death and Resurrection guaranteed their deliverance from the chains of death. And so can we, every day of our lives, be filled with joy and gladness because of the gift of His sacrifice and Resurrection,
Into thy hands I commend my spirit” Luke 23:46.
Get some sleep...12:00 midnight I will. Just want get cleaned up first.
Day 3 Up at 8:45 got 9 hours of sleep for a change.
It's day 3 in the hospital and our lord was resurrected on day 3.
Being that I’m still in a similitude of his experience. What to write about. I’m wondering what’s going to be happening to me today? I’m thinking is my cat going to be suddenly cured. Is Johnny going to come out of his coma. HE DID !
12/3/18 He wants to get back to work! >>> 303 <<<
Signs will occur, both real and false !!!
I was on Floor 1 room 2. I wake up at 3:00 starting this sequence of events.
Johnny was in a coma at the same time I was getting operated on.
Johnny opens eyes while in coma on thirteenth day and a week later ends up in ...
Room 303.
When will the rapture happen, Pre, Mid or Post Tribulation Periods.
I am not going to go into much detail about this controversial subject. There is plenty of material out there. So I won't be making a scripture salad from the cafeteria smorgasboard of interpretations' of scripture to prove which view is correct. There can only be 1 truth.
This link is to the Top 3 reasons for the answer.
What do I do next. This book is near completion. I know how to put it all together, but all my other inventions I failed to market after finishing? Is that to happen again? Go Nowhere, unseen? This is haunting me right now as I don’t think I have what it takes to attempt going further without help with funding to properly use the Internet to get this work seen. Unfortunately it is a money sucking machine on autopilot that I can’t afford to feed. The average book writer spends 10 times more than they make is sales just trying to get there work seen let alone read. Even services to pay for Amazon Reviews.
3/1/19 Deseret Books Tom !!! Yes, That's right! Then this book won’t be buried with 1.7 million other amazon books. Thanks Lord. Great idea. They will publish it? (will take 5 months just to consider it. It’s out of my hands now.) So I have been assured by virtue of it being written and completed well this work will be shared and spread around on its own merits not slick expensive marketing.. I hope so Lord. But you must do all you can... THEY DID NOT PUBLISH MY E BOOK. That hurt.
Day 7 10/7/18 11:54 am to 12:00 afternoon time. Reminder Sunday morning to write the Lords final word on abortion.
Having breakfast turned on TV watching Alvin and the chipmunks movie the road chip. Interesting Three chipmunks Alvin, Simon, and Theodore on a road trip? Time to get out of the house on the 7th day most of my work has been completed? Get some fresh air. Enjoy some sunshine.
8 a.m. October 9th 2018 woke up had a nice sleep did my head snooze alarm got up at 8:30 took a shower and out the door arrived at 9:03 to see my new primary care Doctor G, being late doesn’t matter, doctors are never on time. My name was finally called and
I left one big waiting room to wait in a littler room. I had shared some of my experiences with him before I went to the hospital. First thing I did was had him read the first three pages of the book of T. He did so commenting about the five dimensions, he found that very interesting. He proceeded with the examination took my blood pressure again it was 160 over 60. Still high but down he said.
Stock Market continuing tanking…It is being caused as another of my similitude warnings. Fits right in and a planned warning. I’m sure of it because the economy and all the fundamentals are solid….it will not be interpreted as such though now...and won’t be until it’s too late when it happens again for the big one as prophesied.
Worldwide Disasters, Earthquakes, Tidal Waves and Hurricanes. <<< JUST in 2018
The boy who cried wolf again (every disaster has someone saying “the end of the world is coming) ...but this time it’s real, fits right in to this similitude experience and warning but no end of the world YET though. Lines up with everything in the Bible and BOM and The Book of T and thoughts coming from The Presidency of LDS Church and Other Christian, Jewish and Muslim consensus.
THIS Experience IS A similitude but real warning to get our act together !!!
This Trinity of Butterflies Insert edit 1/31/19
I was viewing some of my eye shooter demos and remembered another sign of 3 to me. Ciara in this clip commented on the trinity of 3 butterflies she and Lauren were feeding honey to. A few years later she became a Catholic Nunn. Last week she called my Father at the precise time of his death to pray with him. Then he passed on.
Our Father Passes On
Look at this picture from your perspective.
All the good folks on the left, all the bad folks on the right. It would appear that the souls on the left side are right and those on the right side are wrong.
But when you look at it from the lord’s perspective what do you see ?
Another Example
The Thief on the Cross. Jesus had 1 thief on his left and 1 on his right.
One criminal railed at him,
“Are you not the Christ? Save yourself and us!”
The 2nd rebuked him,
“Do you not fear God, since you are under the same condemnation?
And he Jesus said to him,
“Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in paradise.”
Where does the Unrepentant thief go if not paradise?
(Paradise is not Heaven) as many understand it. Only in the sense of Cool I’m Not Dead, an Afterlife. Why? Simple, no one goes anywhere pertaining to degrees of rewards or judgments until after the final judgment day... period. That is Heaven. It is not at the second coming as interpreted because the second coming has many layered multi-dimensional meaning in revelations.
The judgment most of these scriptures refer to are the 2nd coming judgments
to those that go to Paradise or Prison where they will await the final judgment. You can jumble all the scripture salads together you want to support any viewpoint, the simple truth is The Lord is Fair and Just !!!
Repentant Thief went to Spirit Paradise !! Unrepentant one went to Spirit Prison. And they even get forgiven eventually. The Book of Mormon makes it clear with this additional witness of Jesus Christ. 2 Nephi 9
15 And it shall come to pass that when all men shall have passed from this first death unto life, insomuch as they have become immortal, they must appear before the judgment seat of the Holy One of Israel; and then cometh the judgment, and then must they be judged according to the holy judgment of God.
INSERT EDIT 11:59 to 12:00 Explain Michael See also Adam; Archangel The name by which Adam was known in the premortal life. He is called the Archangel. In Hebrew the name means “Who is like God.” Wow That Is Heavy. Quick look up of Michael + LDS got it in a second. ANOTHER Similitude SIGN.
Skipped dinner. That time forward I kept working on getting a new domain name a fresh clean website new email address everything set up for the The website is coming along wonderful. Simple clean right to the point. In some ways very plain.
No wonderful space images. NO ADS, NO Distractions. Just add peace and quiet to absorb it all. 7/22/23 NOW THIS WILL BE A NEW WEB BOOK OF T3 The Jesus Code.
Very Bad MONTHS for the Stock Market
Economic fed warning only causing it? Not enough. Fundamentals SOLID.
This was INTENTIONAL Inspiring People to Sell Sell Sell. Plus the Algos too.
A lesson and a warning for me, and to pass along to you!!!
Revelation 18:17 For in one hour so great riches is come to nought.....
...In one hour she has been brought to ruin!’
You Better Shape Up America !
I Played this song in my garage band, 3 Finger Chords.
This is too weird man, all the 3’s, 6’s and 9s.
Signing Off for Now. Tom Barrera
In Search of Treasure by Thomas S Monson
President of the Church of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints
“Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal:
“But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal:
“For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.”
The promised reward was not a treasure of ivory, gold, or silver. Neither did it consist of acres of land or a portfolio of stocks and bonds. The Master spoke of riches within the grasp of all—even joy unspeakable here and eternal happiness hereafter .
Today I have chosen to provide the three pieces of your treasure map to guide you to your eternal happiness. They are:
Learn from the past. Prepare for the future. Live in the present.
(3 Lines x 4 words in each Line = 12)
Good Advice. I love You Brother Monson.
You remind of Isaiah
Just Saw the News
I did not Know Father...I am So Sorry Lord.
I was curious to find his astro sign - Leo the Lion.
Learn more about President Monson’s Remarkable Life.
President Monson Dies at Age 90
Contributed By Gerry Avant
3 JANUARY 2018
President Russell M. Nelson was sustained and set apart as the 17th president and prophet of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on Sunday, January 14, 2018
Page 82
Stock Market continuing tanking…It is being caused as another of my similitude warnings. Fits right in and a planned warning. I’m sure of it because the economy and all the fundamentals are solid….it will not be interpreted as such though now...and won’t be until it’s too late when it happens again for the big one as prophesied.
Worldwide Disasters, Earthquakes, Tidal Waves and Hurricanes. <<< JUST in 2018
The boy who cried wolf again (every disaster has someone saying “the end of the world is coming)
but this time it’s real, fits right in to this similitude experience and warning but no end of the world YET though. Lines up with everything in the Bible and BOM and The Book of T and thoughts coming from The Presidency of LDS Church and Other Christian, Jewish and Muslim consensus.
Santa Claus Vs Jesus Christ Vs Religions.
Secular Santa vs Christian Religion. Satire or Total Disrespect?
The legend of Santa Claus can be traced back hundreds of years to a monk named St. Nicholas. It is believed that Nicholas was born sometime around 280 A.D. in Patara, near Myra in modern-day Turkey. Much admired for his piety and kindness, St. Nicholas became the subject of many legends. Many popular customs associated with Christmas developed independently of the commemoration of Jesus’ birth, with certain elements having origins in Pre-Christian festivals that were celebrated around the winter solstice by pagan populations who were later converted to Christianity.
But to set the record straight as to Christs actual Birthday, this is more factual.
It was April 6th, 1 BC
My Resurrection Was Also During Passover !!
Old Meets New Testimate
Finished up this Read Through and edits and it is now as I write 5:59…...
This Work is Ready for Publishing.
Not Yet 10/13/18
OOH Man! Ok Lord what did I miss?
Correct All the Jots and Tiddles...
Don’t Forget Your Family and Your Father..
Your Writing to My Children. Make it Enlightening and Enjoyable.
Then at that very moment Spunky Comes Walking around my keyboard again.
There you are baby girl..! You see at this point in, lost count, read through and edits it was 7:45 pm. I had forgotten to feed my Cats and Scarlet the Bird. I went to feed them, Spunky and Sassy (with Cancer) is gone. Not anywhere in the house so I went outside to look around and call her by our special whistling call. Very quiet with a little chill in the air. Listening...listening...aaauu Mommy girl. I picked her up from across the street up by the tummy and brought her home for din din. I noticed her cancer growth (before it was the size of a 3 inch split pickle bleeding), but it was now shrinking...oh my God!!! She is not cured but this is very promising.1/21/19 No Change but Pain Free. Smells. I have to live with it as I asked the Lord to keep her pain free and go naturally. Unfortunately she wandered off and was found by a neighbor who called animal control and they put her to sleep I found out. So sad.
Johnny Is Out Of His Coma !!! Thank You Lord 9:00 pm Work not complete, felt it, kept at it all evening long. Now Live at 12:27 10/20/18
Live Now 4:00 pm 10/28/18 Still at it. I am a perfectionist I guess. 11/718 PDF Ready.
11/3/18 Almost there. But keeps getting Better. 11/19/18 Still getting inspiration finding meaningful clips to show and refinements to my writing and explanations of scientific concepts as I understand them. Major drawback to print books, they are static. This web book is not.
Page 86
God’s Final Word On Abortion.
Day 7 10/7/18 12:00 afternoon. Reminder Sunday morning to write Gods final word on the subject of abortion. Not thrilled about including it in this work but this book is the truth of ALL Things.
This is the appropriate page after the Symbolism of the Egg of Birth and Life.
I AM Bound to Let YOU have Free Will !!!
How can that be Lord?
Pro Choice free agency is a right? Abortion is ok?
A Woman May Do What She Will With Her Own Body YES.
SHE HAS NO RIGHT to End the Life of the BODY WITHIN HER.
Unless Done to Save the Life of the Mother !
Then that Child Comes Back Home to Me !!
WITHOUT Life’s Experiences. !!!
Any Political Party or Group that sides with Pro Choice does so with Gods Anti Forces.
A surefire way to distinguish that party from what is right and wrong.
President in title only, Joe Biden and Far Left Democrats are Pro-Choice.
Soon to Be President Trump (2024) and Conservative Republicans are Pro-Life.
The Choice is CLEAR
Shopping after I got out of the hospital. Went to walmart, jumped into
cart to get healthier foods. The Only Register open was ...3.
Went back home. Time for breakfast, no eggs and bacon had that
yesterday and cutting back trying to have a healthier diet.
First thing this morning on the third day of my similitude of Christ.
I open up pantry, I see A Giant size box of LIFE Cereal, the day that Christ arose.
(Notice The Egg, and 3 frogs on stove, the 3’s have been all around me all along my life's path) ...the resurrection today in similitude shown to me. I'll be writing all about it.
I'll try to make it as clear and wonderful as possible, my work for the day.
The (Easter) Egg
Represents universal birth. How we were all born, Including the Universe and God.
Jesus Christ was Physically Born April 6th 1 BC during Passover.
Omega 3 Embryos
The First Cosmic Egg Gave Birth to the Original Trinity of 3.
The Father, Mother and Spirit (T1) Who then Gave Birth to Jesus Christ (T3)
Why did The Egyptians, the Mayans, The Hindus, The Nephites, The Russians,
The Dome of The Rock site of the Israelites and the Jewish Temples 1
Jewish Nation Temples 2. Now How do we get to 3 = 1 again?
Before the Lord Has to Split Israel In Two?
Is Jerusalem God’s Chosen people?
Along with LDS and America with Working Temples?
People try to figure out how the Jewish people can be chosen but America can also be. The LDS church solves that tension in a very interesting way and says they’re both God’s country and at the end of times there will be two Zions, two Jerusalems, a new Jerusalem in N. America and the old Jerusalem, so in LDS theology there is no contradiction between the two. One of the tasks that Joseph Smith the LDS Prophet set to his apostles was to travel to the holy land, then under ottoman control and anoint the ground so that the jews could return there. There’s actually a plaque in Jerusalem set up by the lds church where this happened and as a result of that view Mormons have always been hesitant to direct missions at Jews because they do believe in an ultimate reconciliation. It’s a double reconciliation.” Interesting so Joseph Smith Fulfils Prophecy.
The Acknowledgment and Worship of God is Universal.
See All the Temples of Religions Around the World.
The Maya, Inca, and Aztecs built great civilizations in Mexico and in Central and South America between 1,800 BC and 500 years ago.
Bahá’í House of Worship (Baha’is)
Chaitya/Buddhist temples/monastery (Buddhists)
Hof (Germanic pagans)
Mesoamerican (Mayans)
Hindu temple/mandir (Hindus)
Jain temple/basadi (Jains)
Synagogue (Jews)
Mosque (Muslims)
Only One God and His Son Can Unifie Them ALL
Keeping Their Individualities and Cultures.
Show My Temples and There Meaning !!
The Salt Lake City Utah Temple
This is the First Temple Where I Received my Endowments.
These pages are reserved for those seeking restored sacred knowledge and teachings.
“In the temple faithful members of the LDS Church perform ordinances essential to the salvation of mankind and enter into covenants with the Lord. The temple is like a school where men and women learn about sacred and eternal things. The temple can be considered as a presentation, in figurative terms, of the pattern and journey of life on earth, often referred to as the Plan of Salvation. In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, in temples, holy truths are taught and solemn covenants are made not only by the individual members on their own behalf, but also on behalf of others who have died.
In a general conference address in April 2011, President Thomas S. Monson noted that since the very early days of the Restoration, Latter-day Saints have been a temple building and a temple-loving people. In that same address, President Monson also said 85 percent of the Church live within 200 miles of a temple.”
There are now 315 temples worldwide.
Page 90 - 91
Washington DC My Second Temple Visit
My 3rd Visit to a Temple in Colorado
“The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints dedicates all of its buildings to the worship of God and as places where the Holy Spirit can reside and bless and inspire those who enter. But unlike these other buildings, Mormon temples are dedicated to be the houses of the Lord: sacred, special, and set apart from the rest of the world. As Houses of the Lord, it is the Lord who sets the standard whereby people may enter. Those who enter the temple must do so worthily. Members must be keeping the commandments and hold what is known as a Mormon temple recommend, a card signed by the bishop and
stake president stating that the person is worthy. The Lord invites all men and women to become worthy to come to the temple.”
When the Lord Jesus Christ was living on this earth, He clearly
explained that there was only one way by which man can be saved.
He said: “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me” (John 14:6). First, in His name rests the authority to save mankind, as explained in this scripture found in the Bible: “for there is none other name under heaven given... whereby we must be saved” (Acts 4:12). Second, there is an essential ordinance, baptism, which is the gate through which every soul must pass in order to obtain eternal life, as explained in this other scripture: “Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom. Since baptism is essential, and the authority to act in the name of Jesus Christ has been restored on the earth through the prophet Joseph Smith, the LDS Mormon Church of Jesus Christ is anxiously engaged in carrying the message of the gospel of Jesus Christ to every nation, kindred, tongue, and people.
What about the millions or billions of people who already died
without baptism? Are they doomed to “burn in hell”,
or at least to be deprived of the greatest blessing of our God? According to the Bible and Mormon doctrine, mankind can only be saved through the name of Jesus Christ and through baptism, but most of the people who ever lived on the earth knew nothing about these two prerequisites. So, is God mindless of the billions of people who did not have the opportunity to hear the Gospel and be baptized by the proper authority? The answer to this was revealed by God Himself. Through revelation, God instructed the Prophet Joseph Smith to build temples where ordinances such as baptism could be performed not only for the living, but also for the dead. In the New Testament we read, “Else what shall they do which are baptized for the dead, if the dead rise not at all? Why are they then baptized for the dead?1 Corinthians 15:29
Page 92
Finishing up this Final Proof Read Before Publishing.
As I now write it’s 1/31/19 - 12:00 pm
Today is my Birthday I am now 69.
I was told last week not to publish .....the Lord reminded me...
Don’t Forget Your Family and Your Father !!!
Our Loving Father Passed On January 24th, at 1:23-1:26 pm.
I and my Loving Family were all around him.
I recorded his beautiful passing as it naturally happened. It was not planned.
The Lord Prepared me for this Work to Compile and Document
His Truths of All Things Plainly. The Purpose of Our Existence
Life Death Immortality
Little did I know, but it was for me, my father and family as well.
Divine Time !! The Bell Tolls for Thee !!!
Sues ring tone is Bell Towers Ringing. If there are any more skeptics of Tm Te Spiritual communication consider this. At >>>1:23<<< my sister Sue’s daughter Ciara now a Catholic Nunn, was directly prompted to call her mother at that precise time to talk to Dad and Pray with him. Sues Phone rang out and we were all very startled at hearing the sound of the bells ringing out at that calm yet tearfully sad time. I recorded her prayers to him as she put her phone up to his face. I included a portion of it in my tribute video to remind us all that death is nothing to fear. The following Tribute Video is “My Way” a Tribute to Our Father Carlos Barrera.
This is How We all Shared His Life and Faced Death Together as a Family of One.
by Your First Born Son
Tom Barrera
Here I am writing his name in a Paradise Leaf that hovers above the top of our Family Tree.
Closing Evidence For
Proof of God and Spiritual Realms of Existence.
Jesus Christ Was Born, Lived, Died and Rose to Life as a Glorified Being.
There were witnesses to him who died as he did, real martyrs for truth.
The Bible, Book of Mormon and all Holy Texts are True Witnesses.
Modern Revelation with Signs and Wonders are Happening World Wide.
Biblical Prophecies being fulfilled. Miracles and Disasters ARE Happening.
Binary Messages in Warnings of Deception. Unexplained till now. Tesla Code
1,2, 3 Solved - The Numbers Don’t Lie. - Additional Bible encoding in Torah.
Discovery of New Testament Chapter / Verse encoding via #3
He left us the Jesus Code planted in his word for all his lost sheep to find.
Signs and Wonders around the world prove a Species of Spiritual Beings Exists. My personal experience and inspirations given me were coordinated using me as a witness with those caring for me documented around a 96 Hour Clock of Devine Time.
This can only lead to the unmistakable conclusion there has to be another existence
and a species of God beings that can navigate and communicate through and within multiple Dimensions of T. Science discovered Dark Matter and Dark Energy. I name it T = Gods 5th and 6th Dimensions of Spirit Matter (Tm) and Thought Energy (Te) / T3 = T1
Bottom Line Truth of All Things
There is One God to All Religions and Peoples of ALL the Earth’s.
Our Purpose is to Grow and Learn So We may Progress in Unity.
Our Destiny Truly Gets Us Back to Where We Came From, The Heavens.
There Were and Are Many Witnesses, Prophets, and
Spiritual Beings and Angel Messengers God Sent.
Many Continue to Be Wrongly Attributed to Alien Contacts.
The Very universe Itself Denotes There is Intelligent Design,
Just Look All Around Us.
That Alone is Proof Enough.
But Listen To God
(Just a movie, or Inspired Truth)
I Rest OUR Case ! !! !!!
My Mission:
Prove God is ONE and Three. Spiritually, Emotionally, Mathematically and LOVINGLY Respecting All peoples, Religions, Sciences.
Together as One World Under One God Head.
So Did We Prove Your Existence Lord?
Yes ! I Am The Light of The World !! We Inspirer Just Ask !!!
Thank You Father, Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit.
So Now That We Know Gods Exists, What Now?
Everyone was born at such and such a time throughout our history for the good works they could and many would achieve.
10. Aristotle (384-322 BC) 9. Archimedes (287-212 BC) 8. Galileo Galilei (1564-1642 AD)
‘7. Michael Faraday (1791-1867 AD) 6. Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931 AD) 5. Marie Curie Sklodowska (1867-1934 AD) 4. Louis Pasteur (1822-1895 AD) 3. Sir Isaac Newton (1643-1727) 2. Albert Einstein (1879-1955 AD) 1. Nikola Tesla (1856-1943)
My #1 Carlos Barrera - Loving Dad (1925-2019)
I can’t hold a candle up to these amazing people but like them the Lord inspired me to include Him and compile PROOF and offer this new theory of our existence for HIS OWN ENDS and His GLORY, Not Mine. As he does with many others known and unknown throughout history, to this day, Amazing Lord.
I hope you enjoyed this web book. You’re at the end of it now but I hope just the beginning for you. If I answered any of your questions of life and helped in any way I succeeded in my mission.
Please Share THIS WEB BOOK of T3 Theory with family and friends and
please donate to one of my 3 top charities. List and links Coming Soon.
And may God Bless YOU.
Author Tom Barrera
Well Father, Lord Jesus, Holy Spirit. It is finished.
I completed this Book of T3 Theory as you asked me to do. Is this work now ready to publish?
Well Done !!
God Blessed YOU !!!
OK Then. I’m On It. Thank You.
I hope you do your Tm Te thing and help get it seen on the information super highway. That’s Not My Cup of Tea.
Tom Barrera
Copyright 2023
Contacted my Publisher to tell him I am ready to publish. Guess What Time he scheduled our call on Monday 2/18?
3:00 PM
The Very Hour My Mission Began