The Code Is 1+2=3
The Jesus Code Web Book
Page 1 This is My Story of The Writing of the Book of T And My Spiritual Contact from 5th dimensional sources. The Book and Reasons I wrote it.
Page 2 My Mission - Make Know and Show Plainly The Truth of All Things TOGETHER AS ONE.
Page 3 Gods or Aliens Would Proof of Aliens or Proof of God connects us all ?
Page 4 How I solved the Biggest Puzzle in the Universe. Unlocking Tesla code 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 12.
Page 5 How and why I Developed T 3 Theory.
Page 6 Going Up the Stairway to Heaven. <<< amazing roller coaster ride to heaven video.
Science, God, Religion with Enlightened System of Governments Can Co-exist. Exposing sources of all deception and how to recognize it. Why evil lives.
Page 7 Turning Darkness Into Knowledge Let There be LIGHT
Page 8 Astronomer Carl Sagan. If God wanted to send us a message, and ancient writings were the only way he could think of doing it, he could have done a better job.” I did send YOU (the key)
Page 9 God DID Organize the Universe, So what came before the Big Bang? A No Bang?
TIME always Existed - OPEN YOUR MIND The New Translated Genesis Chapter 1 T 3 Theory.
Page 10 Did We Evolve From Monkeys. Darwin's theory of evolution…Busted!!!
What came first chicken or the egg? Getting communication through SPACE and TIME during my stay at St Peter's Hospital.
Page 11 3 The Jesus Code - How Jesus Christ proves to the world he IS God.
Page 12 Where Heaven and Hell is! According to T3 we know. God Is Real !! He does Love US !!!
Page 13 Einstein said, “I assert that the cosmic religious experience is the strongest noblest driving force behind scientific research.
Page 14 Proof of Transfiguration of the Spirit. Shroud of Turin backs up T Theory
My Hospital Experience Continued….
Page 15 Information overload. Too many choices and internet... (Data streams 4 pieces of music at same time. My Similitude Experience Photos. Has God stopped talking to his children?
Page 16 World War 3 Quantumly, Spiritually, Physically Here on Earth and in Heaven. And that war is still going on NOW. The ultimate authority?
Page 17 It is our destiny and drive to go back home like salmon do. How the trinity is explained.
Page 18 Joseph Smith murdered by a mob (of so called christians) Words of Wisdom on quitting smoking, obesity, drugs. At 12 Mary called said, “I was prompted to call” My Dad facetime.
Page 19 How God Created the Universe in 6 days. What is T3 theory? What came before the Bang? Did the universe begin with a NO Bang?
Page 20 The chronology of the universe is incomplete. Which came first, the universe or God?
Page 21 Singularity logic, retracing expansion backwards was wrongly extrapolated.
First day home from my 3 day metaphysical experience in hospital.
Page 22 Who am I? Where did I come From, Where am I going. Remember the chicken or the egg? Which came first?
Page 23 Tesla Helped me CONNECT ALL the DOTS to solving the mystery of 3 The Jesus Code.
Selfless Love of Humanity Sets Tesla apart from Edison.
Page 24 The Secret and Sacred Numbers 1-3, 6 and 9. The Sacred 3 Code.
Page 25 Grand Unification of Science, Spirituality, Sci Fi and God.
"Super naturally occurring patterns in our Universe, The Powers of the Binary System. The Secret and Sacred Numbers 3, 6 and 9 unlocks the truth of all things.
Page 26 Final judgment. <<< See The Top 10 Most Evil Men of History Go Into a Black Hole.
Where will you end up? Everybody is not going to share the same afterlife domains.
Page 27 THOUGHT ENERGY TRANSMISSION (Communication) (Prayer) ( Meditation.)
Scattering seeds on the breeze, natures way of propagating itself.
Page 28 Living Premortally. A MUST SEE HEART WARMER. The Power of Love.
Three songs come to my mind that proves God works in mysterious ways through music and art.
Page 29 Continued Hospital Care by people of all faiths and religions. Enter Timothy.
Page 30 Science, Spirituality Sci-Fi and God Real, fantasy, made up, ?
Page 31 The Genesis Device? Spirit Matter and Thought Energy Creation.
The Wrath of Khan? Spock DIES? SHIP OUT OF DANGER. Then. Back To LIFE Voyage Home…
Sound familiar?
Page 32 Star Trek's Prime Directive is the same as God's Free Agency Interference Law.
Page 33 Mr Deeds = Let God's Love Open the Door to Your Heart.
Gods or Aliens
Who are the Real Extraterrestrials?
Page 34 The Big Bang Theory and Evolution, more and more scientific evidence for creation.
Page 35 Hawking and others blew up God in favor of a flawed theory. He said “Time didn’t exist before the Big Bang. So there is no time for God to make the universe in.” Absurd !!!
Page 36 “How The Heavens Were Made” a Parable by Tom Barrera, Inspired by Joseph Smith.
Page 37 GOD Proves HIS existence, a Being of Premortal Invisible Matter (at His Birth)
In the beginning, was the infinite void of Darkness and Time.
Page 38 Was God Born Before, During or After the Universe was born? The seeds of intelligent spirit beings were developed by them, programmed Celestial eggs. The first being the alpha and omega God the Father 1.
Page 39 The Cosmic Background Radiation or echo is real. “Chapter 33: Appearing in Glory: The Transfiguration,” God is talking to us in MATH IN the Scriptures Our Movies, Music and Arts.
Page 40 More Space Crap !!! So the massive start of everything in the universe all happens in planck time*? Ridiculous! *See NASA Planck time chapter that mathematically lays out the chronology of the big bang in a trillionth of a trillionth of a second. More Space Crap !!!
Page 41 How Was God and the Universe made. Planting seeds of Cosmic eggs?
Page 42 First day home. My dream, what unifies E= MC 2 with T3. September 29 2018
Solving the 1,2,3, 6, 9 Tesla Code? Tesla couldn't. I did.
Page 43 Hindu tradition holds that all people have three eyes. Day 1 at home from the hospital,
Page 44 Let there be light a third time...the beginning of more awareness,
Love Come Down (Live) -- North Point Night of Worship. The Mormon Tabernacle Choir - World’s Largest Worldwide Virtual Chorus. Wonderful!
Page 45 The Plight of all Called of God. Evan almighty. You want me to build a whaaat?
An Ark ( Write A Book?) People aren't going to believe me Lord, who cares?
Page 46 “Imagination is more important than knowledge." Are Black Holes Where Galaxies are born? Ready for some form of transfiguration to our four-dimensional space time continuum after a time? No Big Bang.
Page 47 Religions and Beliefs through the ages…Eggs and Emptiness Several mythologies, including one developed in China. The Egyptian story of creation. Indian story involves the god Brahma. Greece Zeus, ruler of the sky. The Japanese story of creation.
Page 48 A MUST READ for Understanding Islam. Scandinavia that the Germanic legends. In Polynesian culture, mana is a spiritual quality considered to have supernatural origin.
Page 49 The 3 Lily Pads, A Parable.
Page 50 Is there life on other planets? Do they have a God who created them? Does planet Earth have a twin? Albert Einstein, “Why should earth be the only planet supporting human life?”
Page 51 Ancient Astronaut Theory - Who Are The Real Extraterrestrials? God's Messengers?
Alien Beings - Spirits - Angels - Spiritual Travel Phenomena. How do spiritual Beings Travel?
Page 52 Crop Circles. A FEW OF MY REAL SIGNS AND WONDERS ! !! !!!
Answers to the phenomena of crop circles. “TRUE and False Signs and Wonders.”
Page 53 Proof of Jesus in the very first Hebrew word of the Bible. Absolutely amazing !!!
I was prompted to find this, Come Home To Me Israel. Got HIS Thought !!
Page 54 What do you think or believe the essence of Astrology is? I ask, How, When, Where, and Why We were Born into this Earthly World. Dots clues and piecing it all together like a puzzle.
Page 55 Does god speak to us through music? 5TH DIMENSION Age Of Aquarius.
Page 56 List of the top 100 Aquarians in addition to Myself and Michio Kaku.
Page 57 PREMORTALITY Take note of Chapter Numbers. This is Proof Of Pre Mortality in
1-3-6-9 Numerology. Confirms Our Heavenly Parents Knew US Before Being Physically Born.